but extremely hot....even if the sun wasnt shining it was boiling...
I love Michelle, she loves me. The Kids are enjoying the summer with playing in cold water, jumping in our small, very small pool.
Went on a BBQ to Michelles parents and had a great time..
Watching a strange movie called the third weel on the wagon....strange...
Thats all folks.
fredag, juli 21, 2006
torsdag, juli 20, 2006
If you want to see some pics and some more about us..

This is our website...frequently updated.
And if you want to see where we attend church go to:
Good luck!
We will now try to be more frequent on this blog...

Finally we have arrived to Mysen for good. After three months at Modum on a good break, it`s great to be back in the real world. At the mo we are enjoying holidays...lazy days doing whatever we like.
Today we went to Oslo with my granddad and bought....Model TRAINS....could you guess that....we had a great time...we also bought a model plane that can fly...got 4 propellers and crashed 4 times..so now we have to buy some more...cant figure out how to fly this thing...
Anyway, enough for today...sun is shining and we have time off!! How are you?
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