Well here we are again. Soon a brand new year.
2006 has been a very special year to us. Elias learned how to ride his bike at Modum Bad (which is a place of recreation and therapy). The whole stay at Modum has been the most impacting episode for us this year. We had a break from normal life for three months and received help to get on with our lives after some really rough years with Michelles depression. We had the chance to put away what we did and had three months with therapy, free time, familiy time, silence, intimacy, pain and joy. We didnt think that three months would turn everything up side down, but this has helped us to look more bright on our future.

Other things that have happened the last two months have turned our life up side down when it comes to church life. From January we are not pastors anymore, which has taken some time to digest, but we are getting there... Leif has also resigned from his other job this week at the Skovly-Group, which means a lot of challenges..

But, this may sound like a year with only mourning, sorrow and grief....However thats not the whole story!
We have had a lot of extra time together as a family. Done things we havent had much time for before. Elias rides his bike, Uma talks, talks, talks and talks.....and we try to hang in there...
Leif started a Gospel Choir (INC.) this fall, which both of us adults enjoy alot. It is inspiring, and the choir already sounds like something else...!
Leif is now involved in something called “pentecost for all” (see www.azusaeurope.com for more info) and has met a lot of people who has turned out to be of great encouragement to us.
From January Leif will work at Filadelfia Oslo as responsible for the music ministry until September. The rest of his time he will spend at Morgenstjernen AS where he will work with marketing communications og make sure that “Pentecost for all” will reach out to all the citizens in Norway throughout the year 2007.

It is both scary and exciting to walk into the new year with nothing known when it comes to work etc, but we believe that God is with us as he has been all throughout this year. We also tend to relax more when we can put our hand in the Creators hand...