Poor Elias... Yesterday afternoon Elias went to his room to get a pair of trousers and after a little while we suddenly hear this giant "bang", as if someting REALLY HEAVY fell from the sky and landed upstairs....then a cry. A SERIOUS cry. From Elias.
I got on my feet faster than lightning an ran upstairs but I couldn´t find Elias anywhere. What I did find though was his intire wardrobe collapsed on the floor in his room and underneath it all was Elias, panicking. Before I had the time to consider what to do I found myself lifting the entire wardrobe off of him whilst screaming for Leif to come and help. He got Elias out an onto the bed and LUCKILY nothing was broken, there was no concussion and no serious damage to our boy. Only a few scratches and bruises on his back.
The wardrobe wasn´t damaged either....It had come off the wall and fallen out into the room as he opened the doors and had then fallen on him. BUT underneath all the mess and the clothes we found something that did get broken and Elias is now mourning the loss of his favourite toy; a truck /forklift operated by a remote control, able to lift little toys and boxes etc. It now is without its fork, has only got two weels left and doesn´t move. So last night when he was going to bed we asked if God could provide him with a new one.
I am so glad though that is was the forklift and not Elias who suffered the most serious damage. It could have gone so much worse!
(Elias also wants a new wardrobe as he now thinks the one he´s got is ugly, stupid and mean.)
Hope my mistake can prevent disaster in other peoples homes! : ) M.
"Tall and heavy furniture should be attatched to the walls to prevent it from falling on people."